Good For Them!

By David Nellis

Bravo!! At least one retailer has the brains and guts to close the Friday after Thanksgiving.

By now, most of you have seen REI’s ad announcing that their stores will be closed on Black Friday. The chain retailer, which has 140+ stores nationwide and employs more than 12,000 people, wants its people to stay home and enjoy family time outdoors. REI also is giving its people full pay for that day off.

ROI is, at its core, a retail agency. Elliot and David grew up in retail sales promotion and most of our clients classify as retailers selling goods and services in crowded, competitive arenas.

And, while we warmly embrace capitalism, “retailism” and the responsibilities we have to each and every client each and every day, we also embrace the concept that, “Work is work and life is life.” 

We, too, close the day after Thanksgiving — with full pay — and have done so for years. While many ROI clients are open for biz that day, we make sure to get everything possible done for them in the days preceding Thanksgiving, so that we can close our doors that Friday after, not leave anything for them undone and allow all our people to revel in four straight days of “fam time.” (Plus, all clients have our contact numbers at home and on the cell, so that any true, marketing emergencies arising still can be dealt with immediately.)

The holidays are for family and friends, and the rewards of that day off are huge.  More companies should recognize that fact.

You go, REI!!!!